Category: General

Did You Know? Delivery FAQ

Delivery FAQ Curious about our delivery process? Our frequently asked questions about delivery should help! What to expect: Most deliveries are done with a full size truck and a 20′ trailer. Our drivers will always assess your site to decide on the best way to access it. Typically we will back onto your carefully prepared…
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Getting the Most Out of Your Annuals

Summer days have arrived! Your gardens are planted, your window boxes are full and your hanging baskets look gorgeous!  You’ve invested in having the most beautiful yard on the block. The question is, How can you get the most out of your plantings? No-Fail Feeding: Flowering plants require a balance of nutrients in order to…
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Planting Peonies

Planting Peonies It is the most glorious time of year; the peonies are blooming!  If you are anything like me, you simply cannot pass one by without feeling the urge to bury your nose in, and inhale deeply.  Their massive size and showy colors offer an impressive and elegant display in your perennial garden and…
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Plant Your Own: Fairy Garden – This weekend!

Plant Your Own: Fairy Garden! Sunday May 6th – 12 PM $35 Seminar Fee includes soil, stones, container, plants & accessories! This family friendly event is happening at both Queensbury and Rutland locations! Please call (518) 793-8555 to RSVP for Queensbury and (802) 747-0700 to RSVP for Rutland.